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Training in gender affirming voicework


"Gender affirming voicework" has increasingly become an overarching term to describe various types of gender-focused vocal training (e.g., the work that comes from speech/language pathologists or voice teachers/coaches). Specific to music therapy, I introduced a potential framework for engaging in this work in 2019 that has since evolved into a formal model for music therapists who wish to facilitate this work within the clinical setting. This development of this model comes from the collaboration of Braedyn Inmon, Kaylynn Schachner, and myself. 


The model surrounds the following: 

  • Using various music therapy methods to access and embody spoken and/or sung gender expressions

  • Rooted in liberatory practices aimed at consciousness-raising and tending to the emotional process as it arises

  • May involve working on vocal function and/or emotions or identity-related goals

  • Considers sociocultural context and various voices a person uses in daily life

  • Explores vocal aesthetics rather than treating vocal pathologies

  • Informed by knowledge from music therapy, speech/language pathology, vocal pedagogy, and gender & critical theories


There is a training process for those who would like to facilitate this music therapy model of gender affirming voicework services for others. This process is currently facilitated by Maevon Gumble, Braedyn Inmon, and Kaylynn Schachner.


Through training the first cohort of trainees from 1/2023 to present, we've recognized a need to adjust the training process to better support individuals as they ground into this work. In particular, this has involved teasing apart Level I from Level II. As we solidify objectives, content, and cost for each level, that information will be posted here. 


To be notified of new information and dates of next training opportunities, please join the mailing list.

Image by Wes Hicks



The Level I Foundations training will be for working individually with a trainer to develop competencies related to navigating the physical voice, exploring the trainee's emotional relationship with their voice, and unsettling white supremacist cisheteronormative and bioessentialist understandings of the voice and gender. 


This is an ongoing training completed at the trainee's own pace. We are not currently beginning with any Level I trainees, but if you are interested, please reach out.



The Level II Facilitation training will involve Level I trainees coming together as a cohort. It will be focused on developing understandings of key theories and concepts while also practicing the facilitation of this music therapy model of gender affirming voicework.


At the moment, we are uncertain about when this next training will be offered. 


Completion of Level I Foundations



Trainees will begin offering this music therapy model of gender affirming voicework, emphasizing that they are still in training to any potential clients.


At the moment, we estimate that at least 50 hours of clinical work will be required, to be completed at the trainee's own desired pace while receiving direct supervision from a music therapist experienced in this model. We estimate that at least 25 hours of individual supervision will be required, to be completed while accumulating clinical hours. Group supervision will be offered to supplement the required individual supervision. Supervisors will work individually with trainees to continue improving their skills in gender affirming voicework. This might involve audio and/or video recording sessions for feedback, engaging in ongoing assessment, completing assigned readings, and sharing cases.


Please note that this training process is still in development. Supervisors reserve the right to require additional clinical hours/supervision to further develop skills needed to support others in this work.


Upon successfully completing the required hours for clinical gender affirming voicework and supervision, trainees will be added to the list of music therapists trained in this music therapy model of gender affirming voicework.


For every hour of supervision, trainees can earn one CMTE credit by using the Mentored Self-Study Program Plan form, to be completed by supervisee and their supervisor.


Completion of Level I Foundations & Level II Facilitation


For 2024, we have received grant funding to cover the fees associated with up to 25 individual supervision sessions, meaning that there is no cost to trainees for the required supervision. Additionally, grant funding will allow for trainees to be paid for their work while still providing therapy participants with free gender affirming voicework services.

In the Art of Becoming Scholarship

Covers the cost of at least one BIPOC transgender, nonbinary, and/or gender expansive individual to participate in the Level I and II training. Scholarship(s) will be awarded to applicants with the most financial need until all funds have been exhausted.


To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a music therapist and/or graduate level music therapy student applying for the Level I or Level II gav training

  • Must be a member of the BIPOC communities

  • Must be transgender, nonbinary, and/or gender expansive

When applying for the Level I or Level II training, eligible applicants will also be able to apply for this scholarship. Applications are now closed for the first cohort, but it is intended to offer this scholarship with the next available training.

Becoming Through Sound LLC is an Approved Provider (#P-227) through the Certification Board for Music Therapists. 

Learn more about gender affirming voicework


My practices are aimed at decolonization and liberation in many forms. I strive to be informed and affirming about queer / trans / LGBTQIA+ communities, body size / fat liberation, polyamory / consensual nonmonogamy, BDSM / kink, disability / disabled identity, neurodivergence, and gender expansivity. Further, I aim to wrestle with the impacts of colonization on our lives and ground myself in anti-carceral healthcare.

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