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Below are some resources for services related to the work that I do, listed alphabetically. While I cannot guarantee the quality of work from the individuals/groups on this list, I strive to only include those who I have personally interacted with or that come from a trusted source. If you have any feedback on this list (whether to remove or add), please don't hesitate to share it!

Counseling & talk therapy

Center for Relational Change:

Congruent Relationships Counseling & Wellness:

Create & Connect Collaborative Therapy Services:

Internal Family Systems Institute - Directory:

Open Space Counseling, Consulting & Wellness:

Music therapy

*Offers the specific gender affirming voicework I engage in

**Offers voicework or vocal training for exploring gender

# Offers singing voice lessons​


*Connecticut Music Therapy Services:

Create & Connect Collaborative Therapy Services:

*Divergent Timbres:   View flyer here

** # Elizabeth "fig" Harris:

**Inner Rhythms Music Therapy:

Meera Rani Creative Wellness:

Outside the Lines Creative & Relational Therapies:

Philadelphia Music Therapy:

*Within Space and Sound:

Community resources

Central Outreach:

Dreams of Hope: Queer Youth Arts:

Girls Rock! Pittsburgh:

Persad Center​:

Proud Haven:

SisTers PGH:

Trans YOUniting:

In crisis?

While I am unable to provide emergency services, I am committed to engaging in anti-oppressive healthcare that is anti-carceral. Here is a link to crisis resources. It is always a good practice to review an organization's specific policies before disclosing any information that could lead to an involuntary intervention or forced hospitalization.

My practices are aimed at decolonization and liberation in many forms. I strive to be informed and affirming about queer / trans / LGBTQIA+ communities, body size / fat liberation, polyamory / consensual nonmonogamy, BDSM / kink, disability / disabled identity, neurodivergence, and gender expansivity. Further, I aim to wrestle with the impacts of colonization on our lives and ground myself in anti-carceral healthcare.

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